Since a note, once deleting brand new sex asymmetry identity for Japanese Us citizens and you will Whites (?

Since a note, once deleting brand new sex asymmetry identity for Japanese Us citizens and you will Whites (?

Desk step one contains the BIC and G 2 values, and the main coefficients of interest, namely those estimates from Models 1 and 2 involving Whites, Japanese, or Japanese Americans only. All BIC values were much less than 0, which indicated that both models fit better than the saturated model and the basic model with ? r , ? R , and ? rR . The improvement in fit highlights the substantial role that compositional and educational pairing patterns play in explaining the racial and ethnic pairing patterns. For the prewar cohort, Model 1 fit better than Model 2, but for the resettlement cohort, as expected, Model 2 fit better than Model 1. This result suggests that a major gender asymmetry entered the racial pairing patterns of the Japanese or Japanese People in america and Whites after World War II. eleven) from the design matrix of Model 2, the BIC value increased (not shown). This result indicates that veteran-husband and Japanese-war-bride intermarriages were only partly responsible for the emergence of the gender asymmetry in the level of intermarriage after World War II.

Table 1

Note: SE = basic mistake. Coefficient rates to have pairings associated with almost every other minority racial groups (Blacks, Latinos, or any other Asians) or any other estimates appear throughout the article writers for the consult. Read more